Green & VentureWærft Network Tool

Green & VentureWærft Map Network Tool

AKL visualisiert

Obdrupstr. 9a, 24986 Flensburg


Graphic recording and sketchnotes of workshops and events.

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AKL visualisiert

Ann-Kristin Lorenzen
Phone: +49 (0) 461 313 624 31

“AKL visualisiert” stands for Ann-Kristin Lorenzens startup for graphic recording. She has turned her passion into a career and offers clients a new way of logging in the form of visualized sketches and futureplans. These include graphic recording, graphic facilitation and various signature notes. Since 2013, Ann-Kristin is a presenter in personal future planning and helps people with and without disabilities to shape their future. Furthermore, workshops and training for educational institutions are offered.



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