At the IdeaLab in April we experienced three exciting days with interesting people and ideas! IdeaLab is a Dock1 workshop series about methods to develop business ideas. In addition to the theory, the participants develop their own start-up ideas, can network and get to know each other!

An interesting article about the support of innovative start-ups in the north - of course the VentureWerft is also included! Thanks to

Welcome to the next version of our beloved Start-Up convention! We're sure you'll be more than happy to see that our event series expanded - and that from now on we're hosting this event biannually in turn in Sønderborg and in Flensburg (next one in autumn). So it will be a cross-border cooperation and therefor we had to switch to English as the main language.

Pia und Marie von DeafVentures

Den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit zu wagen kann aus den unterschiedlichsten Beweggründen geschehen. Ein besonders lobenswertes Ziel ist etwas zur Gemeinschaft beitragen zu wollen! So war es bei Pia und Marie...


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