After a daily information block, the students formed teams and worked intensively on their business ideas. The seven teams were supported not only by the Dock1 staff, but also by an external team of experts: Philip Kübler (Sourceboat), Dennis Genske (social media’s finest GmbH & Co. KG), Barbara Asmussen (WiREG & Technologiezentrum Flensburg/ Dock3) and Dynn Makoschey (Die Lehrbrücke GmbH) gave interesting and constructive feedback!

In addition to the idea-brainstorming, there were insights into business modelling and a pitch training as preparation for the final presentation. Of course it was also about how sustainability can be implemented in business models and what added value the founders derive from it.

Friday evening ended with a cozy get-together and pizza. The whole event was very chummily: A long breakfast and catering by Anna and Meehr led to a lively exchange – and rounded off the event.

The final presentation of the results on Sunday showed: The workshop was a complete success! The teams presented creative and innovative business ideas and our experts were also very enthusiastic. Which ideas made it to the final round? Solutions for key forgotten, practical decoration elements for Ikea shelves, prostheses from the 3D printer, electrification of islands in Uganda and a sustainable café in Flensburg.


Many thanks to all participants and especially to our experts, without whom the series would not be possible in this form. We are already looking forward to next time!

Funded by: The project Start-Up SH of the State of Schleswig-Holstein with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), duration January 2017 to December 2021.



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