On Tuesday, 30.04.2019 the three founders of the young start-up IO-Dynamics, Johann Ohlsen (CEO), Nabil Imran (CSA) and Felix Kruse (CHA) were visited by federal and local politicians as well as by representatives of the University of Applied Sciences, the European University Flensburg and the Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Zentrum.
visit of IO-Dymamics picture: IO-Dynamics
IO-Dynamics is a Flensburg Start-Up awarded in October 2018 with the founding scholarship, which develops, produces and sells components and services in the fields of electromobility, hardware and software, vehicle construction, IT infrastructure and fleet management.
picture: IO-Dynamics
picture: IO-Dynamics
Visitors from the Dr. Werner Jackstädt Center, an institution of the European University of Flensburg and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, were among others Prof. Dr. Ilona Ebbers (European University Flensburg, Entrepreneurship Education, Women's Entrepreneurship), Prof. Dr. Dirk Ludewig (University of Applied Sciences Flensburg, VentureWærft), Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Kreuzhof (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences), Kerstin Schröder (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Research Associate Project GrinSH) and Thomas Neumann (Flensburg University, start-up supervisor at Dock1).
picture: IO-Dynamics
Die VentureWærft ist ein Bestandteil des mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung im Rahmen
der Bund-Länder-Förderinitiative „Innovative Hochschule“ geförderten Projektes „Grenzland Innovativ Schleswig-Holstein“.