From March, Lars and Roland will receive the founding scholarship awarded by Schleswig-Holstein. Until recently, the startup was known as "WaterInstinct" - now it's called "SWOACH - Your Swim Coach".

SWOACH offers technical tips for improved swimming technique, plans and records trainings and results so that further individual training programs can be designed. The start-up scholarship now covers the basic costs, allowing the team to focus fully on developing the mobile application.

You are interested in the entrepreneurial scholarships as well? Just stop-by at the Dock1 to get more information!

For more information about the awarded start-ups and the “Gründungsstipendium Schleswig-Holstein" follow the links below.

Press Article     Gründungsstipendium SH 



Foto: conVenture 2018

Foto: office SWOACH

Foto: Logo SWOACH



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