Welcome to the next version of our beloved Start-Up convention! We look forward to welcoming you at our extraordinary conVenture on the German side: conVenture - nordic start-up convention in the Audimax in Flensburg on 22 November 2018 at 4 p.m.

- Participation is free of charge -

15:00   Free bus shuttle from Alsion to Flensburg                     

16:00   Welcome @conVenture

16:10   VenturePitch*
           Our own mini version of Shark Tank with live feedback

17:10   Coffee break & Start-Up Pier

17:30   Introduction

17:40   Keynote: Importance of entrepreneurship in the border region
           Jørgen Mads Clausen // Danfoss, Nordborg (DK)

18:10   Bracenet - Save the Seas. Wear a Net.
           Madeleine von Hohenthal & Benjamin Wenke // Bracenet, Hamburg (D)

18:40   Fail - Our glorious near-death failures and beyond
           Kenneth Madsen // DXTR Labs, Sønderborg (DK)

19:10   Start-Up Pier and networking with snacks & drinks

20:30   Free bus shuttle from Flensburg to Alsion      

Audimax Flensburg

*conVenture presents VenturePitch
We are testing a new format called "VenturePitch" for a future signature event hosted by VentureWaerft. It's based on the classic "Shark Tank / Die Höhle der Löwen / Løvens hule"  TV-show.
For this smaller version of the VenturePitch we will have 2 start-ups that will present their idea ("pitch"). They will get direct feedback from investors and experts from our region. We will use a tool for live voting and feedback from the audience a.k.a. potential customers.

We offer a pitch training including a video analysis for the start-ups from our Docks, held by Oliver Niebuhr (SDU). This analysis focuses on the powerful effects of using the right language. As there is a limited availability for these, please register with Marie in advance.


Registration  Facebook Event




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