In several guided Tours through the Dock1 coworking space, more than 200 interested students took the chance to learn more about the start-up support of the Dock1 and the VentureWaerft. We wish all new students a good start and a great time in Flensburg.


Flensburg's mayor Simone Lange welcomes the new students

Flensburg's mayor Simone Lange welcomes the new students (Photo: Daniel)

Daniel presents the start-up support at the Campus Flensburg

Daniel presents the start-up support at the Campus Flensburg (Photo: Jonas)

Annika, Tanja and Daniel inform about the next events of the Dock1

Annika, Tanja and Daniel inform about the next events of the Dock1 (Photo: Tanja)


Funded by: The project Start-Up SH of the State of Schleswig-Holstein with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), duration January 2017 to December 2021.



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