On March 5 and 6, 2020, the first joint spring meeting of the two working groups Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Entrepreneurship took place in Flensburg. For two days, the new understanding of entrepreneurship was discussed intensively with the pioneers of sustainable and social entrepreneurship research.
Hardly a topic was left out here. Can climate protection and digitization be integrated into the existing political structures? How can both subject areas be reconciled? How can sustainable and social entrepreneurs contribute to solving political challenges? The question of whether there should be a policy advice incubator in Schleswig-Holstein was also discussed.

The meeting of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship was held in the form of a paper development workshop, while the meeting of the Social Entrepreneurship took place on the following day in the form of a researcher-practitioner forum.
Overall, the meeting was interesting and inspiring for everyone involved and will certainly contribute to the fact that the different subject areas and findings of the many research projects presented enrich one another.

Group photo showing three men

Circle of chairs with a facilitator in the middle of the circle of chairs.

Green typography logo International Green Entrepreneurship Forum in

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The project Start-Up SH of Schleswig-Holstein with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), duration January 2017 to December 2021.

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